Complaint Process

Undergraduate Programs

Lincoln Memorial University provides a number of avenues through which students can address issues of concern such as complaints and grievances. Students should express their concerns as quickly as possible through the appropriate channels. Students requiring assistance with these processes should contact the Dean of Students or Associate Dean of Students in the Office of Student Services (located in DAR Hall) at (423) 869-7166.

General Student Grievances

  • All complaints should first be routed through the appropriate complaint/appeals process as outlined above.
  • Depending on the nature of complaint, the matter should be brought to the attention of the office directly responsible for that area of the college or university.
  • Complaints and appeals should be well-documented and move through the appropriate campus supervisory structure prior to appealing to any off-campus authority.

Off -Campus Authorities

All Locations

Complaints relating to quality of education or accreditation requirements shall be referred to the Southern Association of Colleges and Secondary Schools (SACS) (;

For out-of-state students using distance learning programs, complaints related to consumer protection laws shall be filed using the Tennessee NC-SARA Portal form:

Tampa, Florida Location

Complaints related to the application of state laws or rules related to approval to operate or licensure of a particular professional program within a postsecondary institution shall be referred to the appropriate State Board (i.e., State Boards of Health, State Board of Education, and so on) within the Florida State Government and shall be reviewed and handled by that licensing board (, and then search for the appropriate division);

For students attending programs in Florida, complaints related to state consumer protection laws (e.g., laws related to fraud or false advertising) shall be referred to the Florida Office of the Attorney General and shall be reviewed and handled by that Unit (