Title IX

About Title IX

Title IX protects individuals from discrimination based on sex or gender in educational settings.

LMU employs a Title IX Coordinator responsible for:

  • Providing notification and education of Title IX rights and responsibilities.
  • Consultation, investigation, and disposition of all inquiries and complaints of alleged discrimination, harassment and/or sexual misconduct.
  • Providing victim services as necessary.
  • Providing institutional monitoring and compliance assurance.

The Title IX Coordinator is assisted by Deputy Title IX Coordinators including: the Dean of Students and the Associate Dean of Students (for student issues), the Director of Human Resources (for employee issues) and the LMU Sexual Misconduct Response Team (SMRT).

Complaint or Reporting Procedures

Individuals who experience, witness or are otherwise informed that an incident of sexual misconduct has occurred should, with the victim’s permission, contact local law enforcement, LMU Campus Police, an LMU security officer, or a University official as soon as possible. Prompt reporting is important in order to preserve available evidence, to obtain necessary treatment and support for the victim, and to prevent further harm to others. If possible, a victim of sexual assault should not shower or change clothes before receiving medical treatment. Complaints of any kind of sexual misconduct will be investigated with regard for the confidentiality and protection of all persons involved in the case.

Complaints or reports should be directed to:

  • Rebekah Webb, Title IX Coordinator/Institutional Compliance Officer, by email at titleix@lmunet.edu

A person who believes they are a victim of sexual assault should notify the LMU Police Department (423) 869-6911 or the local sheriff’s office (911). University personnel will arrange transportation to the emergency room for medical care and evidence collection. LMU employs a police officer certified in Advanced Domestic Violence, Child Abuse and Sexual Assault investigation.

Anonymous Reporting

An anonymous report form is located here: http://www.emailmeform.com/builder/form/WCcZ1kq83c48D 6b0w721mhL.

The LMU Campus Police have established a confidential tip line through which individuals can share information anonymously. Telephone calls received on the tip line are recorded on a voice message system, but callers will not be identified unless the caller leaves his/her identifying or contact information in the recorded message.


LMU Tip Line: (423) 869-7159


You can also report anonymously on the LIVESAFE app.