Students with Disabilities Policy

LMU is committed to providing reasonable accommodations to assist students with disabilities in reaching their academic potential. If you have a disability which may impact your performance, attendance, or grades in this course, please contact Jason Davis, Director of Accessible Education Services, to discuss your specific needs.

If your disability requires an accommodation, you must register with the Office of Disability Services. The Office of Disability Services is responsible for coordinating classroom accommodations and other services for students with disabilities. Please note that classroom accommodations cannot be provided prior to the course instructor’s receipt of an Accommodations Form, signed by you and the Director of Accessible Education Services. To register with the Office of Accessible Education Services, please contact the Director of Accessible Education Services, Jason Davis. Contact information: and/or 423-869-6587 (800-325- 0900, ext. 6587). Office: Carnegie-Vincent Library (Harrogate Campus), Room 105. Website: