

REL-210 : Surv Old Testament

Credits 3

Examines the books of the Old Testament from historical, cultural, religious and critical perspectives to achieve greater understanding and appreciation. Includes study of Old Testament cities and contributions of major biblical personalities. Fall alternate years

REL-220 : Surv New Testament

Credits 3

Examines the books of the New Testament from historical, cultural, religious and critical perspectives to achieve greater understanding and appreciation. Includes study of locations of New Testament biblical cities and contributions of major biblical personalities. Spring alternate years

REL-310 : Comparative Religions

Credits 3

A historical survey of world religions of non-western traditions. Includes a study of Shinto, Hinduism, Jainism, Buddhism, Taoism, Confucianism, Zoroastrianism, Judaism and Islam. Fall alternate years

REL-315 : Comparative Christianity

Credits 3

A survey of the major agreements on Christian doctrine and practice coupled with a study of the various denominational differences between the following traditions: Eastern Orthodox, Roman Catholic, Reformed, Wesleyan, Evangelical, and Free Tradition. Spring alternate years.