

PHIL-100: The Meaning of Life

Credits 3

Readings in documents that have attempted to answer the question: What is the meaning of life? Authors include: Plato, The Book of Ecclesiastes, Book of Job, Confucius, Epictetus, Marcus Aurelius, Victor Franklin, Martin Buber, C.S. Lewis, Camus, Sartre. Spring

PHIL-200: Introduction to Philosophy

Credits 3

A survey of the major figures of Western philosophy as well as key issues of philosophical thinking: the mind and thinking, the nature of education, the nature of good and evil, fate versus free will, the nature and existence of God, the place of human beings in the universe, soul and immortality, and the proper nature of government. Fall alternate years

PHIL-430: Medical Ethics

Credits 3

Explores bioethical theory applied to medical issues such as human research, confidentiality, personhood, defining health and disease, euthanasia, patient rights. Case analysis emphasized. Prerequisite: ENGL 240, or 250. Fall, alternate years.